Browsing through my weblogs while on break at my class, I compared this months stats (not even halfway through it yet) to the same month (March) of last year. Currently, this server has served up 4.15 GB to 2857 unique visitors. By the end of this month I'm sure the numbers will have doubled to 8.3 GB and 5714 visitors (you can check my numbers March 31st). A year ago it was only 495.87 MB and 569 uniqe visitors. This means the server has infected the Internet with 1676% more bandwidth and claimed 100% more victims than a year ago this month. Everything myself and my associates are coding is either interesting, or search engine friendly. The whole purpose of this server was for me to play around with web technologies. Now that it's evolved into hosting useful applications I can't experiment as much, but fortunately I've learned enough to avoid catastrophic experiments anyways. I plan to continue to provide a web playground for those like myself who are interested in all flavors of web technologies, as well as the resources that have developed on the server. Future projects include my weblog application ( of course, to get some real-world experience from all this training) and the resurrection of an old PS/2 I own into a fully fledged forum hoster running PHP and MySQL server on top of Linux OS. Of course, I'll also continue to rant. Afterall, the most important application on this server is my soapbox.
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