The last major upgrade on this server was almost a year ago. As a result, some software has become outdated and (gasp) potentially vulnerable. I've begun my update process starting with an upgrade to the latest version of PHP. All appears to be working great, but like most system changes I'm sure it will break something obscure and I won't discover it for awhile. If you happen to notice an oddity please let me know, or just keep it to yourself and cackle maniacally. If you're asking yourself "Self, why didn't he just go to PHP 5?" The reason is simple: fear. I'm not sure everything I've written will work well with 5. Much testing to be done.
User Comments for 09-21-2004:
Does that fix the karma in the forums Stavos |
No, but it does fix the rash that's been developing on your leg for the last 3 days. AtomicInternet |