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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 02-20-2019 WRT32X DLNA Server Success View Webcam for 02-20-2019 NO COMMENTS
While my Linksys WRT32XB is amazing at network routing, it's lack of a media sharing server has been a sore spot. Today I discovered that will no longer be the case, as a whole new world of SSH configuration was made known to me. After following this article, I discovered I only needed three lines total to enable a DLNA server on my router:

ssh root@
root@ATOMIC: opkg update
root@ATOMIC: opkg install minidlna

you'll need to configure where it should look for media with the following command:

root@ATOMIC: vim /tmp/minidlna.conf

A note that may hopefully help any fellow WRT32XB DLNA server hopefuls is to force a rescan after it's installed. You can do this by running "ps" and finding the process id that minidlna is running under, then type "kill ###" where ### is the process id. After that you can force the rescan with this:

root@ATOMIC: kill 12924
root@ATOMIC: /usr/bin/minidlna -R -f /tmp/minidlna.conf

It's important you include the -f so it knows the config file to use when it rescans. You can see from my minidlna log where it initially found 0 files, and when it actually found them on the forced rescan. If you see "finished (0 files)!" try the rescan line above.
No Comments Entered for 02-20-2019

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