Senator Kelley is a well known jerk for making me spend money on hardware I don't need. That said, he mentioned upgrading his PS4 Pro - Kevin Edition with a new hard drive and I immediately had to one-up him and upgrade my Xbox One X. I chose the Samsung 860 EVO 1TB drive because SSD and same size as my current crappy 5200 factory drive, although I soon learned the factory drive is actually a 960GB because false marketing. A quick review of this video and the stock ST100LM035 was free of it's prison. Clonezilla Live then imaged it over to my new drive and I magically had an SSD enabled Xbox One X. Sadly, the 7 partitions only used 960GB and I was too scared to expand the data partition, so I hid a bunch of illegal documents in the extra unaddressable 40GB. System and game bootups are all pretty much 5 seconds faster, so nowhere near making the $150 upgrade price worth it. The Senator is rightly jealous though which makes up the rest of the gap.
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