Today was a rare day of rain in this 90+ degree summer, and it was making up for lost time. Heavy downpouring made for some intense puddles along I-96 and after a few minor ones I finally hit a major one that stalled out my car. I immediately regretted my cold air intake, and realized should the zombie apocolypse have happened this would have been my death. As I pulled over and cranked my engine a few times I determined tonight is the night I eliminate this weak point. As I struggled to get the engine running again, a cop pulled up behind another stallout but the rain was so intense I don't think he was planning on getting out. I also assumed he read "supercharged" on my car and knew I was invincible, which would be a correct conclusion as after several revs to 6,000 I finally flushed the water out of my engine. Now steamcleaned and fancy free, I finished my drive to work and bragged about how totally awesome I am for getting my waterlogged car up and running again.
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