The early 90's were a great time. The economy was good, and the internet hadn't screwed everything up yet. Most notably because dial up BBS's were still popular and attention spans were longer than pinheads. The
BBS I hosted at the time ran on an IBM PS/2 65sx computer which was my first personal computer. Up until yesterday it was still in my closet leaking capacitor gel and taking up space. My decision to finally part with it was so difficult I decided to create a living effigy of the
failed PS/2 line by converting a desktop PS/2 I was also storing into an ATX compatible form factor. Over the years I had violated my original PS/2 several times, including a horrific attempt at a new paint job. This plus the fact that there was no way I could convert it to ATX meant my PS/2 77 was the only viable candidate. After several hours of jig sawing and drilling, I finally had something an ATX motherboard
could fit inside. I even made sure the power switch, hdd and power lights
all worked. While I can't bring back the innocence of my early 90's, at least I can now head downstairs and