A long night of Starcraft (some would say too long) started off with a brutal defeat by the Senator and TomTom against Excelcier and I with me contributing so little to the game I was effectively useless. A quick team changeup yielded a victory for the Senator and I after I embraced the transformers to compliment mr. pants. Then TomTom and I made a comeback after an initial air drop rush looked to squash us in the first few minutes. The final game was another defeat, so it will not be mentioned other than to say Excelcier touched me in appropriately during the game.
User Comments for 04-29-2010:
I'm still feeling the effect of playing to 1am last night. I can barely stay awake. The only thing motivating me is another SC2 battle in 4hrs! Stavos |
Yup.. pretty tired here too, but touching Brad like that made it all worth it. I love it when he squirms! Excelcier |
OK, we need more rematches!!! BRING IT ON! Excelcier |
Your never online Excelcier. You are either on a sail boat or in dirty Mexican town. Your place is in the virtual world of SC2! Stavos |