After almost a month of no updates, I decided to break the silence with the news that Lisa is now handy with a crochet needle. Having mastered the pot holder, she's moved on to hats which are proving more complicated than she anticipated. I'm giving her a few more days to get it right before I clamp down and set production goals. While the hats have higher profit margin, the pot holders are faster to make, so the quantity may make up for it. Moving her to a windowless room will also make it easier to get 16 hour workdays out of her as the passage of time will become indistinguishable.
User Comments for 02-21-2010:
I need both hats and potholders. Please provide status updates as well as shipping tracking items on both. MorlockPrime |
Do you offer international shipping? Marco |
What if you tie several potholders together to form a hat? Infact the pot holder shape can be the basic building block for any material. Some examples: Blankets, hammocks, pants etc. Stavos |
Oh silly Stavos, who wears pants? MorlockPrime |
So Brad has turned Lisa's sick days into work days.. R10T |