After 2 years of asking for a subwoofer install, the cosmos finally aligned during a pumpkin smashing trial at the Morlocks and put Jeffords in close enough proximity to my barn during a warm enough day to activate the event. Although a full hour over my initial estimate, the Jeffords is now fully bass enabled, at least to the limit of his 150 watt subwoofer. Thanks to the Morlock and Canada who both lent a hand during the ordeal. Despite the lack of a dedicated subwoofer output on the radio head unit, it was a relatively straight forward procedure and the result is clearly the work of professionals.
User Comments for 10-20-2009:
That Jeffords is never a sad man. Stavos |
Canada?? Excelcier |
I see my car stealthily hiding out in one of those photos. I am happy now! Excelcier |
I see no Canada therefore he doesn't exist! Stavos |
Ron clearly doesn't know his fellow Canadians from a Morlock. The tall Canadian looking guy is from Lindsay, Ontario AtomicInternet |
hopefully nobody will cry when the rear window shatters from the awesome vibes the subwoofer gives off!!!! Boom Boom Pow!! CANDY |