For the past 3 days I have been sick. Not just a coughing sick, but the sensitive skin/burning fever/cold sweats sick. Each morning I spit up about a pound of phlem and feel totally exhausted getting up for a glass of water. My mistake was going into work on the morning of day 2 only to find my good friend the fever back with a vengence. This is the third time I've ignored previous experience and returned to the land of the living less than 100% recouperated. The human immune system gets very angry when you ignore it's warning signs. My punishment: the prison that is my house. The first day was alright because it was pissing rain, but these last two days it's bright and sunny out. Michigan likes to play a cruel joke with the sun: while it looks nice out, it's just cold enough so anyone sick that goes out to enjoy it will most surely die a terrible death of pnemonia. Thus I am locked in my house watching "Mad Max" and "Star Trek: TNG" episodes while the birds sing happy songs that taunt me to no end. With that, my sickly (and deranged?) rant is over. With all luck, I'll be back to 100% tomorrow and introducing the birds to my pellet gun.
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