Ever wonder how many social bookmarking sites are out there? Here's every one I could find that allows for quick-linking. I'm curious if any one of them turn a profit, or even break even. I expect links from all of them by tonight. Get to it!
User Comments for 08-25-2009:
You...are a crackhead. E1 |
Where's the Farmtown icon? Stavos |
I wonder... is anyone truly THAT social?? Excelcier |
How do I share you with Facey's mom? MorlockPrime |
Someone has way to much time on their hands and probably should be doing something, say, more productive with their time, e.g. mowing the lawn, buying their wife flowers etc. Candy |
That's it i'm banning Candy from this site! Stavos |
If you only had the power! Besides if you did that you still have to live with me after, and I wouldn't make you very happy!! Candy |
Since you don't have a valid twitter account the whole post is crap! Keith |
Saddly he does :( Stavos |
I have a twitter account to, but don't remember joining. huh Candy |
Twitter is gay. Jenny |
That is an insane list of crap. Seriously, you have too much time on your hands.... Jenny |
Quit twittering around! Excelcier |