With Lisas recent transfer to a not-yet-open birthing center, her job has shifted from pulling babies out of vaginas all day to primarily paperwork. This sudden lack of seeing random vagina has put her in some kind of withdrawal phase, which involves alot of moping and whining (more than usual). The situation will only gets worse as the center is not scheduled to open for at least two more months, and that length of time with no vagina may very well kill her. What can you do to help? If you own or have access to a vagina, please consider donating 5 minutes of it's time to Lisa. She'll measure it and and ask you a few questions, then you'll be on your way, but the benefit she'll receive is immeasurable. I thank you in advance for your time.
User Comments for 10-30-2008:
I don't have any free vaginas at the moment, but I do know some Canadians. That's close enough right? MorlockPrime |
HAHA +1 for Prime. When I talked to Lisa on AIM she was very adamant about working from home and was not to be disrupted, However she was still on AIM so I continued to bother her. Typical first time work from homers. Soon they will slack like everyone else. Stavos |
I couldn't get my vagina to donate time so I scheduled a sex change on monday so she can see mine. Tim |
Outies reversed to innies don't count... after all she is the vagina expert she knows a real one when she sees it. R1OT |
I've done my part: ASCII vagina. Duane |
Ive got a Mangina with your name on it. enorym |
That's a ASCII butt. ({}) works well Stavos |