Not satisfied with infecting unsuspecting Michiganders, it was time to move my Rock Band addiction machine south (yes, south) to Windsor for some Canadian action, eh. What was scheduled to be a relaxing sleepover at Melindas house (with occasional girl-on-girl action) turned into a 10 hour Rock Band marathon fully hooking Ron on drums, Jenny on vocals, and Melinda/Adriano/Lisa on Guitar. I operated as a substitute when someone needed hydration or muscle relaxant. While my achievement points per minute rating was lower than I had hoped, the successful hooking of all involved assured additional sessions to further increase them. Normally I'd include photos but my boycott of Facebook prevents it.
User Comments for 10-18-2008:
That's because Canadians simply can't do anything right. How ever heard of a Canadian rock group? Don't even mention Rush, that was a gathering not a band. Stavos |
Dude.. you took pics.. now post them on your webpage biatch! It's not Facebook :-)
And yes, Rush ROCKS my US friends! HAHAHAHAHA Excelcier |
I here a lot of Rush songs on the Arena Rock and Classic Rock channels on Comcast cable. Silvercup |