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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 07-14-2008 Cougarfest 2008 View Webcam for 07-14-2008 23 COMMENTS
Cougarfest 2008, the yearly event I started for 1999-2002 Mercury Cougars ended yesterday. Since it was the 10th such event we named it Cougarfest X to be both eXtreme and Mac OS X compatible. This year it returned to the Indianapolis hotel that tolerated us lighting fireworks off the roof two years ago. This year was relatively free of illegal activities, focusing instead on RC car Jumps, glow golf, and other things that are funny only when intoxicated. Some scary shots of EternalOne and Lisa singing country Karaoke pretty much sum up the rest of the event.
Cougarfest X 2008
User Comments for 07-14-2008:
I sense this article will be topping the top 10 most commented articles once a certain Morlock see's this....
haha at the mac comment
Lisa #2
Wow, I can't believe this article has been up for a whole day and we've seen barely any comments from Cougay owners. Seriously though, have you considered that you're holding an annual festival to celebrate your couGayness? Why don't you fairies just have a parade already? Better yet, next year, take half the money you were going to spend on couGayfest, give it to Stavos and I, we'll kick you in the nuts and call it a day.
You might be a cougay owner if your dissed by someone that owns a Jetta!....
Hey, I might have a Jetta but I'm going to drop in a super charger and get a car kit. Then I'm going to load up my car with LEDs and give it a goofy name! By the time I'm done I'll be beating all of the couGays on the Tim Horton's runs.
Cougarfest was fun this year! I won second place for 'Best Stock' and I also won a very nice license plate frame.
Silvercup ...I can't make this one up...Look at the #10 Gayest car....
Sorry for the double post, but I looked back into the archive for the site. Jetta has been on there top 10 list since 1st quarter of '07. What year is your jetta?
Somehow i'm not suprised a cougar owner was checking out a site about gay cars. I'd check it out and find out if what you say is true, but I try to not go to gay sites....except for this one.
He's an exCougay owner... But if you owned a Cougar in your life time, than your always a Cougay owner like your always an alcoholic. Confused? Good...
Not really confused, but curious. Are you saying, if you're an alcoholic at one point in your life you always are, or are you saying I'm an alcoholic. Either way you're probably right.
Some people call it a disease and blame it on that, However I blame it on Canadians, and I'm sure Tim Horton's and Bacon are involved in their devious plans to stay neutral in the course of history... Somehow.
Not just bacon Stavos, Canadian Bacon. You know I think I figured out the only way to make a cougar worse! We'll paint Canadian flags and Timo Horton's logos on all of them. When's the next CougarFest? Stavos and I have some "work" to do.
How ironic would it be if a Canadian made the first automobile that ran on Bacon grease? And that automobile would obviously be a Cougar. Then when times get rough you can see all the Canadians sucking on their tailpipes! Brilliant! Proceed with production ASAP!
Well they would but there aren't any factories or scientists left in Canada. Theres just Tim Horton's and Tim Horton's employees.
Well if that is true the only college majors left in Canada would be: Tim Horton's manager, Tim Horton's employee, Bacon factory worker, and royalty hand waver.
Actually, Royalty Hand Waving isn't taught in normal Canadian Colleges. You have to be preselected by a special and secret committee that reports directly to the monarchy. Other than that you're correct. Tim Horton's manager, Tim Horton's employee, Bacon Factory worker. They're still 4 year colleges. The people in charge of Tim Horton's want to be sure the employees realllllly get it. That and Canadians are notoriously difficult to train.
You also forgot the obvous problem. Canadians are practically expelled from France and England. Do they even have a Queen or whatever in their "country"?
Well they don't. They still worship the British monarchy, Queen Elizabeth that is. She however, disavows their existance. Sort of like the whole Christians and god thing. They believe in him but he doesn't believe in them.
Honestly all I did was put Gay and jetta in the search, google did the rest.
A likely excuse. My computer doesn't let me type in that word though. It changes it to MANLY automatically.
Well simply disable the AutoManly and you can do all the searching you want, afterall that's what you do at night on the weekends tiger! rawr! haha
You've been checking my googl historyagain haven't you?

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