Over the last few months, my referrer logs have been showing my increasing role as a Myspace image provider. Most people would be thrilled to have the honor of serving up bandwidth to the millions of 1995-era web pages hosted there, but unfortunately in 1995 the principle design rule was cramming as many enormous images and animated gifs you could onto a page. This translates into significant bandwidth demands on my server, so my desire for a usable website won out. A quick Google search found LeechBlocker, which was exactly what I needed. Happy to install random ISAPI dlls into my server, I was instantly free of Myspace traffic. As an added bonus, the filter formats my entire C: drive when someone requests "bah-weep-graaagnah-wheep-ni-ni-bong.html". So nobody make that particular request.
User Comments for 02-22-2007:
I'm disapointed you don't have a huge photo of a nasty oozing leech in this blog, your dead to me Stavos |