I just got a brand new 42" Plasma HDTV with an HDMI Upconverting DVD/DiVX Player and CableCARD on the way. Once my collection is complete, I'll be viewing completely digital content in the highest quality available until the HDDVD/BlueRay battles resolve themselves. How can I continue to afford such lavish luxuries you ask? Remember all that math we learned that we thought would never be useful? Turns out, it is. Thanks to the transitive property I get to enjoy these new consumer items absolutely free. No, this isn't the intro to a pyramid scheme, it's the simple fact that MorlockPrime lives in my basement, and since I own my basement, I also own what he owns. Thus, I enjoy high definition episodes of "Gilmore Girls" absolutely free in my basement. All you armchair lawyer haters can rant all day about property rights while I enjoy my 1080 lines of resolution comfortable in the fact that mathematics are infallible.
User Comments for 08-23-2006:
Yes yes, enjoy my tv. Rest assured that i'm programming it to display subliminal messages that tell you to go stab yourself in the face. MorlockPrime |
Ass MorlockPrime |
So.... You own MorlockPrime??? Screw the lan party lets have a Gimp party! Bring out the Morlock Gimp! Stavos |
Umm.. hehehe... for once B-rad, I've got the techno-god BEAT! I'm now sporting 158" diagonal of pure 16:9 aspect ratio viewing pleasure in my basement.... Excelcier |
http://gear.ign.com/articles/696/696647p1.html excelcier |