Heading to lunch today, I passed an uncommon sight. A cop apparently hit someone then jumped the curb and landed in deep snow. The front end was pretty tore up despite the cop cattle guard. We lauged as we drove by and three of the four people in the car snapped a camera phone shot. Duanehad the best one, so here it is for your enjoyment:
User Comments for 12-22-2005:
It's true.... Pigs can fly! Stavos |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! SUCKER!!!!!!!!! Excelcier |
Oink, oink...brrrrrr.... Your Name |
I want one of them...nice big RWD car shows signs of authority. Scares people makes them slow down or even stop in thier tracks. Doesnt look that threating when its on the back of a tow truck. Enorym |