Lastnight I took the engine and transmission out of my Cougar with the help of Mark, Jason, Nick, Zack, Ron, Scott and other MC-NECO members. We started at 11:00am and had the engine out by 9:30pm. The first four hours of the job involved removing the supercharger which was surprisingly the hardest part, but after that it was relatively easy except for an uncooperative ball joint. The entire event was recorded on yesterdays Gnome Cam. In addition to the work on my Cougar, an engine rod bearing and a wheel bearing were replaced on two other Cougars. By far our most productive mod meet to date. Now that the guts are out of my Cougar I plan to bring it to Leo's house for assistance in beefing up the transmission to properly handle the extra power from the supercharger. While it's out I also plan to upgrade to the proper headers and Y-pipe a forced induction car needs. Thanks to everyone who helped out, I definately would not have attempted anything like this without the help I received.
User Comments for 10-10-2005:
For a moment there i thought you were going to ebay your engine! you just about do with everything else. Stavos |
Na, he is just going to give it to me, already have a great idea for the supercharger. Your Name |
WOW you have my name!!!? Stavos |
no, after doing this, i never want to put a supercharger in my car, oh wait, i cant. lol Mark Hammill |
The Cougar & Supercharger are mine! Sailor Mars |
Wanna armwrestle Mars?? Excelcier |
ron do u have any left over mash potato's you would wanna give mE? Mind Control of Zalec |
I'll arm wrestle you Ron jrak |
Sorry, Ron I would win! Sailor Mars |
No comments Missy!........
Jrak... you're off the clock, no soup for you! Excelcier |
HAHHAA Look at brads face in most of the pics he looks scared shit fucked! Enorym |
MYRN! YOU'VE COME BACK! AtomicInternet |
ah you nazi canuck jrak |
Hey brad is it done yet? jrak |
I was going to post, Leo isn't ready for it yet so most likely next weekend. If you need your tools I'll gladly drop them off. I feel bad I still have them all :( AtomicInternet |
I need my tools come to california and bring them beege! enorym |
na, I shouldn't need them I was just wondering what the progress was on your trans is all. jrak |
California über alles Enorym |
A top 10 post i haven't commented on? NEVER! MorlockPrime |