The "Current Server Status" window on the right tracks various parameters on this server. One of them is free disk space and it has shrunk below the 8% warning level a few times in the past month. Each time I was able to delete a few things and bring it back. This time I have a big chunk I plan to get rid of, but I think these are signs it's time for a bigger drive. I've been watching for a sub-$50 100GB+ IDE HDD's but haven't seen any without using 5 rebates. If you have one laying around you can part with (yes, I'm sure everyone does) shoot me an email.
User Comments for 04-12-2005:
OOPs! I'll start deleting my terrabytes of $hit to help out. Excelcier |
Holy crap, now I know how to get 10GB+ back at the drop of a hat. AtomicInternet |
Now you're at 8.25 Gb free.. within 10 mins you went from like 3 Gb to 15Gb, back down to 8.... ??? Excelcier |
I've got tons of hardware laying around. Come get me at work and I'll tell you want I have. brain |
I have a BIG HARD DRIVE waiting for you baby tim |