Lomar and Angela came over for a round of Star Wars Monopoly lastnight. Don't let the box or photos fool you, it's completely different than normal Monopoly. Different enough that was I confused and disoriented allowing Lomar to win the game. Had it been classic Monopoly I would have emerged as the clear dominator. On a side note, make sure you listen to the latest plasmateam song, it's metarelaxiawesome.
User Comments for 04-09-2005:
You're a sore loser. tim |
The force wasn't with you Stavos |
Star Wars Trivia Pursuit is more fun. Excelcier |
I'll own anyone in Star Wars Trivia Pursuit, I can re-site all of "Empire strikes back" if you put it on mute. Ya i have no life. Stavos |
Ummm... same here.. Ex |
here's a little starwars test for you Ex. What scene didn't they put into SWESB in the Hoth base that C-3PO was going to trick the storm troopers to enter a certain room. What was in the room?
Another test in Return of the jedi. what flaw is there on the emperor when he's sitting in his tower chair talking thru most of the movie?
Stavos |
C-3PO was going to rip off a sign from a door with Wampas in it hoping the stormtroopers will enter the room.
The second one I'm not sure on.
Ex |
Your all nuts! Star Wars Monopoly was the best especially with crazy Brad! Missy! |
Well done Ex. the 2nd one is a bit harder. After filming all the Emperor's shots Lucas notice a small area on the right of the Emperors face that was showing human skin, the makeup didn't cover everything and would have been clearly visiable during a large screen. So Lucas had an animated floating black box cover the right side of the Emperors face. Whats funny is it's never been fixed in the 2 revisions and now it's even clearer to see it in the DVD. Stavos |