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Rating: 3 - Link to this Article 11-29-2009 Achievement: Mentally Divergent View Webcam for 11-29-2009 3 COMMENTS
Solid Gold Tonight marks the day the hardest achievement I've ever worked for finally unlocked. Presently only 64 / 9,561 gamers have it, and after 80 hours of grind it's clear why. For 2 weeks I was a slave to my Xbox, starting a race and then enjoying 15-30 minutes of life before being called back to start another. It ran at work, at home, and in my car to maximize available time investment. On a positive note, the sad reality that is my life has come to light, and I've now sworn off attacking these kinds of achievements. I stuck it to the sick bastard that included it in Forza 3 in the hopes the owner would retain the copy for years, and even put it up on eBay for good measure. It's clear I have a sickness that needs to be addressed. Ignore the fact that I'm cranking through Band Hero as I write this.
User Comments for 11-29-2009:
Well you're only the 64th person out of 9,561 people on the true achievements site, not on xbox. I'm sure there's more people that beat it. Sorry to steal your thunder. Good job?
One day I will join you sir. Not in your addiction, but in your ownership of yet another M$ money sucking box.
Ok, i've joined you on both accounts. Damn you!

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