- Who do I contact if I have a problem with this website?
- How do raise my access?
Solution:If you are at BASIC Access, you must contact an administrator (listed when you login)
and arrange a time for them to call you on at least one of your listed contact phone numbers.
You will also recieve an email from the administrator to reply to. Alternatively you can attend our
next scheduled meet and introduce yourself to the members.
PurposeThis is to verify your identity before allowing access to the full members contact
listing. By giving us your personal information, we trust you with our personal information.
- Why isn't my Photo showing up in my profile?
There can be many reasons for this problem, but most likely you entered the URL of a photo hosted
on a free web hosting site. These sites depend on ad revenue to stay alive so they will not allow
direct linking to images (they can't show an advertisement this way). The easiest solution is to email
me ( with your photos and I will
store them on the local server.