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Lisa called me around noon today and informed it was "acceptable" to visit her at work today since her unit (labor and delivery) had no patients. Apparently this mornings ice storm wasn't good weather for having babies. I know I certainly wouldn't want to be born in this ice storm, or this cold weather, or anywhere in Michigan for that matter. After a few spinouts on I-96 I arrived at the hospital and finally saw what Lisa does all day. Unfortunately my request for a photo of me in stirrups while giving birth to a pillow was denied for sanitary reasons, I know that's what everyone was hoping for so at least I tried. I successfully embarrassed her in front of each co-worker and learned all about the birthing process. It was edutainment at it's finest. I'm sure I'll never be allowed back, but at least I'll always have the memories.
User Comments for 02-25-2007:
Wait baby's don't come from the stork???
woo...lovin the scrubs!

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