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Gay neighbor’s house Lots of activity at the ex-gay neighbor’s house today, and this time it didn't involve underage boys or an angry trailerpark mob. The ever inquisitive Robbie learned they were refurbishing the house for resale, and from the amount of soiled crap they were throwing in the trailer it would have been wise for them to have remembered hazmat suits. EternalOne mentioned a 2 month cooldown period the banks must adhere to in case the original owners want to buy back the property, so I guess that has finally expired. This means the house may actually be rechristined at some point in the future, until then it remains the ex-gay neighbor’s house.
User Comments for 12-18-2010:
Perhaps E1 could claim it as his own and continue the degredation of the gaybourhood? hahaha
Perhaps Brad should purchase it to further grow his slum empire.
I'd buy THAT for a dollar
I think Ron sold his name to a bot
I think Ron sold his name to Tim Horton's. The Ron is now a half donut mixed into a cup of coffee.
Hmm.. yeah, or something...
re-christened :)
Wait, did Lisa sneak into the gay house and get it on? Well it wasn't with Brad, as he would have bragged. Therefore, I can only assume she snuck in with a girlfriend and the house is still a gay house.
Wow Lisa wasted her 1 visit per year on Brads site on this lame article?
Oh and it's "rechristened" btw not "re-christened"
All hail Stavos, the Grammar QUEEN!

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